Our new investment in Infinidome

GPS technology is magic in action—a satellite flying high in the sky can tell the exact locations of endless objects and people with unprecedented precision. 

It has become such a crucial part of our daily life that navigating successfully from A to B without it is challenging. Moreover, many highly sensitive systems rely on it to function properly. 

At the same time, GPS has an obvious weakness—disrupting a GPS connection is relatively easy, so many malicious actors attempt to disrupt it regularly and cause significant harm (the two main methods are jamming and spoofing). 

When seeking solutions, one may discover that standard GPS protection solutions are expensive and out of reach.

This was the case until Infinidome, our recent investment, developed a highly scalable and cost-effective solution.  Their solution is already making a big change; it is only the beginning. 

We are very proud to be part of Infinidome’s journey to a more secure future, and we are sure that Omer and the talented team will lead the company from one success to another. 

Artofin Venture Capital Fund

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